May 1, 2018

Sales Strategies with Scott Howard of WOWO

Sales Strategies with Scott Howard of WOWO

Matt gets into the sales aspect of radio with Scott Howard from WOWO-AM in Fort Wayne, Indiana.

When Scott Howard made the change from on air to sales, he will be the first to tell you that he didn't get it right away. His first opportunity came at WMUZ in Detroit where he freely admitted that he made a lot of mistakes. Over time, he became more engrained in the sales world and started sharing his wisdom on a blog and then in time on a podcast. Most episodes clocking in under 10 minutes. Scott currently works at one of America's oldest and most reknowned radio stations - 1190 AM WOWO Fort Wayne Indiana.

I discovered Scott in an online forum called Radio Sales Cafe What sets Scott apart is his genuine approach to sales: Telling the truth and not being fake. Similar advice that programmers convey to on air talent.

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