Jan. 17, 2022

The 4/6 Profile In Human Design

The 4/6 Profile In Human Design

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Click here for the Intro to Human Design Freebie

Click here to enroll in the “Sort Your Shit” Spring Cleaning Challenge

Book a 60 minute chart reading with Allison. This comes with a recording of your reading as well as 7 day Voxer access after your reading for 1on1 coaching. 


Hello and welcome.

You're listening to the You Do Woo podcast.

And I'm your host, Allison Cullen.

I'm a mom with a background in business and counseling, but I've always been tapped into the more Woohoo side of everyday life.

I'm here to take you on an exploration of your spirituality, give you helpful life hacks, help you on this evolution through motherhood, and give you a weekly dose of useful woo.

If you need your cup filled, your mind expanded, and you want to increase your manifestation abilities at the same time.

You'Ve come to the right place.

Let's get started.

Hello, hello, and welcome back to the Uduloo podcast.

This is Allison, excited to have you join us today.

This is going to be a pretty short and sweet episode, but one that I am excited to bring to you.

So it is the very beginning of 2022.

You might be listening to this way in the future, but all of this is still very applicable to you.

It is the beginning of January 2022.

And one of my intentions for this year was to really dive deeper into a lot of the human design subjects that I talk about in my private readings with Y'all on the podcast.

So we're going to start out with talking about the profiles.

If you do not yet know your profile, you can go to Udoo.com, click on Freebies, put in your information there.

And this will give you a free PDF with the exact steps on how to look up your chart and info about every aspect of it.

And one of those things is going to be your profile.

So the profile is two numbers.

And I'm going to talk in each of these episodes about what each of those numbers looks like.

Some of the more popular profiles.

So each of these are about 14% of the population currently.

The less popular profiles, which does not mean that anything is wrong with you.

It just means you're like extra special.

These are around 2% each.

So one fours, 25364, one s, five twos, and six threes.

My plan is that I'm going to talk about each of these profiles.

I'm going to do one episode per profile so that you can listen to the episode for your profile and put some of these tips and tricks that I give you for your profile into practice.

The profile in the human design chart is sort of like a costume you wear or like an archetype, if that makes sense.

Almost everybody I talk to 100% resonates with their profile.

It's almost like something where the sooner that you accept it, the faster things are going to start flowing into your life that are going to be things that you're going to want to say yes to.

And you can have any type of profile.

There's 62 generators, 62 mansions.

It doesn't necessarily have to do with your energy type.

Definitely find out your energy type as well.

And you can do that through the freebie on the Udooow.com website.

You'll also just want to practice some of these things as far as the archetype and it will make more sense as you listen to the episode.

So get ready.

Here we go.

Calling all 46 profiles.

This is your episode to dive into your human design profile.

So the 46 is called the Opportunist role model.

Another name might be the recall authority figure.

Four sixes whole life is about other people.

Both the four and the six are external lines and they have a personal Karma.

They live for their family and close friends and are really meant to be very influential within that group of people.

Everything revolves around them and they connect everybody and they have a very Regal air Because they usually are sort of the center of their tribe.

They absolutely love people.

This is an interesting profile because my husband is a four six and so I'm thinking about him as I go through these facts and it's so spot on.

It's crazy.

They love to form bonds and invest in relationships.

It just like fills their cup to get close to other people and to spend time with other people.

And the four is very internal.

It's in their mind.

It's a little bit more conscious.

The four is a little more conscious to them than one four or two fours might be.

And the six is all about the heart.

They really want to trust people and to be loved by people.

So there's definitely a contrast here between the heart and the head.

So four sixes come to teach us to master life by having the heart and head work together, figuring out how to make the heart and head work together.

They can have an extreme lack of trust in people.

They want to trust people so badly but because of life experiences and things that have happened, they have so many reasons not to.

And it's a huge lesson for four sixes to realize that the right people will always be there for you and will always work out.

So just always lead with trust and the people that aren't meant for you will be like, you know, won't be in your life like they'll be taken out of your life, not necessarily by death but just it's not something you have to worry about.

For the first 30 years they live as a four three.

That's six is that way where their lives are divided.

So they live as a four three and three is all about experimentation so it can make you close down your heart for fear of being hurt.

And four sixes really need to learn how to open their heart back up after being hurt so many times because if you don't, you're really depriving people of the wisdom that you're here to share.

You can be four sixes can be very, very scared of rejection, just like terrified of being rejected and they really can tend to cut people off or cut people out of their life instead of possibly being hurt.

Yeah, the thing that can hurt them the most is rejection.

So there's a couple of lessons for four sixes to learn.

I already talked about opening the heart and then not being so judgmental of people and that can be a really hard thing.

I speak to projectors about this a lot because sometimes projectors just see things from a way higher point of view than the rest of us and sometimes become pretty judgmental of others.

So if they can decondition from that, things are going to go a lot easier in their life.

They're going to have a lot more joy in their heart and be able to open their heart easier.

Four sixes are really meant to turn any failures in relationships into wisdom and make good out of it.

They really are people people, but they can be very tender and sensitive and emotional on the inside.

You really need to treat any four sixes in your life with a lot of extra love because they're very sensitive.

This is just like speaking to me especially and four sixes need to remember to really step into that regalness about them.

That six is the role model.

There's no need to over perform or seek out attention.

Other people will see your role model aspects and your main purpose is to foster the closeness of a group of people, of a tribe.

One thing to note for four sixes is the four can be very prone to exhaustion and it tends to manifest as mental exhaustion and anxiety.

So making sure that you have a daily practice of meditation or something to sort of ease that mental exhaustion and anxiety is a really awesome thing.

So there is a little bit of info on your four six profile.

I hope you enjoyed it and I'll see you all in the next episode.

Thank you so very much for tuning in to another episode of you do woo.

I know that you already have a very full life and that there are literally millions of podcasts that you could be listening to.

So I'm Super grateful to you for being a loyal listener and I'm so grateful for you sharing your favorite episodes with friends and family members.

That is how we are able to serve more people and raise the collective consciousness and really get the word out on a bunch of these fun spiritual topics that we're talking about.

I would love to connect with you.

Send me a DM on Instagram at you do woo.

All one word.

I'd love to hear how you loved today's episode and just a little bit about you.

I can't wait.