June 26, 2023

106 - The Body Knows

106 - The Body Knows

If you googled “body book”, the top response would be “The Body Book” by Cameron Diaz. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find a plethora of books about the body including “When the Body Says No” by Gabor Mate, “The Body” by Bill Bryson, “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk, and “The Body Knows” by Caroline Sutherland.

In episode 106, Genny shared what each of these books can offer you in terms of information and guidance. In particular, she mentioned that the book by Gabor Mate talks about the cost of hidden stress, and spoke about how stress had affected her skin. And the book by Caroline Sutherland tells us how to tune into your body, which is something she wishes she had done and shared how she hyper extended her left knee.

Genny shared that the body knows before the mind does, and shared that the mind has about 80,000 thoughts per day, about anything and everything, that are mostly useless and repetitive. However, the body gives us information all the time but the mind overrides those signals. It’s important that you listen to your body, not your mind.

Genny offered suggestions on how you can tune into your body by doing a body scan when you first wake up or throughout the day, to check for any aches or pains, or areas of concern. As well, she suggested you ask yourself how you’re feeling, as your emotions can affect how your body responds.


Follow Genny on Instagram at @coffeewithgennyb

If you like this episode, buy Genny a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/coffeewithgenny

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If you googled “body book”, the top response would be “The Body Book” by Cameron Diaz. But if you dig a little deeper, you’ll find a plethora of books about the body including “When the Body Says No” by Gabor Mate, “The Body” by Bill Bryson, “The Body Keeps the Score” by Bessel Van Der Kolk, and “The Body Knows” by Caroline Sutherland.

In episode 106, Genny shared what each of these books can offer you in terms of information and guidance. In particular, she mentioned that the book by Gabor Mate talks about the cost of hidden stress, and spoke about how stress had affected her skin. And the book by Caroline Sutherland tells us how to tune into your body, which is something she wishes she had done and shared how she hyper extended her left knee.

Genny shared that the body knows before the mind does, and shared that the mind has about 80,000 thoughts per day, about anything and everything, that are mostly useless and repetitive. However, the body gives us information all the time but the mind overrides those signals. It’s important that you listen to your body, not your mind.

Genny offered suggestions on how you can tune into your body by doing a body scan when you first wake up or throughout the day, to check for any aches or pains, or areas of concern. As well, she suggested you ask yourself how you’re feeling, as your emotions can affect how your body responds.


Follow Genny on Instagram at @coffeewithgennyb

If you like this episode, buy Genny a coffee at https://www.buymeacoffee.com/coffeewithgenny

See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.