Aug. 28, 2021

Owning Our Identity and the Importance of Our Name

Owning Our Identity and the Importance of Our Name

As children, we played make-believe, pretending to be different characters from our fairy tale books. As we grew up, we then took on different roles such as mother, friend or co-worker, and the characteristics of those roles became part of our identity. And when we think of owning our identity, our name is an important part of that identity. But sometimes, we struggle to define our identity. We let self-doubt take over especially when we’re told we are “too much” of something. We struggle with that “imposter syndrome” and start to wonder if we are good enough, smart enough or worthy enough. So, we need to say no to our self-doubt. Take back control of our identity. Embrace who we are. Take that leap of faith. Say your name and proclaim it to the world. And own your stuff!


Follow Genny on Instagram @coffeewithgennyb

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As children, we played make-believe, pretending to be different characters from our fairy tale books. As we grew up, we then took on different roles such as mother, friend or co-worker, and the characteristics of those roles became part of our identity. And when we think of owning our identity, our name is an important part of that identity. But sometimes, we struggle to define our identity. We let self-doubt take over especially when we’re told we are “too much” of something. We struggle with that “imposter syndrome” and start to wonder if we are good enough, smart enough or worthy enough. So, we need to say no to our self-doubt. Take back control of our identity. Embrace who we are. Take that leap of faith. Say your name and proclaim it to the world. And own your stuff!


Follow Genny on Instagram @coffeewithgennyb

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