Sept. 11, 2021

What is your 3rd Act in Life?

What is your 3rd Act in Life?

William Shakespeare wrote: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. He was referring to your life as “the play” and the various roles you play throughout your life. But just as a play has three acts (or more), there are also three acts in your life: Act 1- birth to adulthood, Act 2 - adulthood to 50, and then Act 3. So, what is the 3rd act in life? It’s the time after you’re 50 and before you’re dead. Too often we’re told that life ends or at least winds down after you’re 50.----more---- But the 3rd act is NOT the end of your play. It’s the time to bridge the gap between the life you’re living and the one you dream of. It’s your time to create a vision for what you truly want, and connect with who you are deep in your soul. It’s time to reframe the perception of ageing, and re-write your life’s story going forward. And just as it’s important to create a financial plan for yourself, it’s just as important, if not more, to create your non-financial plan for your 3rd act and beyond.

----more----Think about those dreams, those hobbies, and those desires that you buried deep inside yourself and dig them up. Bring them to the surface. Consider how full and beautiful your life could be in your 3rd act. Can you imagine if your 3rd act was the very best act in your play?


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William Shakespeare wrote: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players”. He was referring to your life as “the play” and the various roles you play throughout your life. But just as a play has three acts (or more), there are also three acts in your life: Act 1- birth to adulthood, Act 2 - adulthood to 50, and then Act 3. So, what is the 3rd act in life? It’s the time after you’re 50 and before you’re dead. Too often we’re told that life ends or at least winds down after you’re 50.----more---- But the 3rd act is NOT the end of your play. It’s the time to bridge the gap between the life you’re living and the one you dream of. It’s your time to create a vision for what you truly want, and connect with who you are deep in your soul. It’s time to reframe the perception of ageing, and re-write your life’s story going forward. And just as it’s important to create a financial plan for yourself, it’s just as important, if not more, to create your non-financial plan for your 3rd act and beyond.

----more----Think about those dreams, those hobbies, and those desires that you buried deep inside yourself and dig them up. Bring them to the surface. Consider how full and beautiful your life could be in your 3rd act. Can you imagine if your 3rd act was the very best act in your play?


Follow Genny on Instagram @CoffeeWithGennyB

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